1000 Most Common German Words
This page continues the list of most common German words along with their English translation. By now, you should have learned the first 100 most frequent German words. Please, see the word index at the bottom of this page to access other parts of the frequency list.
Most Used German words 51-100
Rank | German word | English translation | Part of speech |
51. | auch | also, too, as well | adverb |
52. | schon | already, just, yet, indeed, surely; handle with care, spare (imperative singular, and colloquial 1st-person singular present of "schonen") | adverb, verb |
53. | als | than, when, as, while, as if | conjunction |
54. | dann | then, after that | adverb |
55. | ihn | him, it (accusative of "er") | personal pronoun |
56. | mal | times (adverb); to paint (imperative singular, and colloquial 1st-person singular present of "malen"); time (capitalized as a noun - Mal) | adverb, verb, noun |
57. | hast | (you) have (2nd-person singular present of the verb "haben"; e.g. "du hast") | verb |
58. | sein | to be, to have, to exist, there is / it is | verb |
59. | ihr | you, you all (plural, familiar; personal pronoun); her, to her (dative of sie; personal pronoun), ; her, its, their (possessive pronoun) | personal pronoun, possessive pronoun |
60. | aus | out; over, finished, up (adverb)from, out of; of; for, because of (preposition) | adverb, preposition |
61. | um | at (time), around (+ accusative); in order to, so as to (conjunction) | preposition, conjunction |
62. | aber | again (adverb); but, though (conjunction) | adverb, conjunction |
63. | meine | mine (feminine nominative/accusative singular, and nominative/accusative plural form of "mein"); to think, to mean (inflections of the verb "meinen") | possessive pronoun, verb |
64. | Aber | objection (noun) | noun |
65. | wird | (he/she/it) becomes (3rd-person singular present of "werden") | verb |
66. | doch | but, though, however; yet (conjunction); after all; really; yes, surely (adverb) | conjunction, adverb |
67. | mein | my | possessive pronoun |
68. | bist | (you) are (2nd-person singular present of "sein") | |
69. | im | in the (contraction of "in" + "dem"; used with masculine or neuter nouns in the dative case) | preposition |
70. | keine | none, nobody, not any (pronoun); not a (negative indefinite article; accusative/nominative feminine and plural forms of "kein") | pronoun, article |
71. | gut | good (adjective); well (adverb); property, possessions, goods (capitalized as a noun - Gut) | adjective, adverb, noun |
72. | oder | or; isnt' it, isn't that so | conjunction, particle |
73. | weiß | white (adjective); (I) know, (he/she/it) knows (1st- and 3rd-person singular present of "wissen") | adjective, verb |
74. | jetzt | now; yet (adverb); the present, now (capitalized as a noun - Jetzt) | adverb, noun |
75. | man | one, they, you | indefinite pronoun |
76. | nach | to; after; according to (preposition) (+ dative); after, behind (adverb) | preposition, adverb |
77. | werden | to get, to become; will, to be going to; to be done (forms the passive voice) | verb, auxiliary verb |
78. | wo | where, somewhere; when | adverb, conjunction |
79. | Oh | oh | interjection |
80. | will | (I) want to, (he/she/it) wants to (1st- and 3-rd person singular present of "wollen") | verb |
81. | also | so, therefore, thus (conjunction); so, well (adverb); well (interjection) | conjunction, adverb, interjection |
82. | mehr | more; no longer (adverb); more (comparative form of "viel" and "sehr"); increase, excess (capitalized as a noun - Mehr) | adverb, indefinite pronoun, noun |
83. | immer | always | adverb |
84. | muss | (I) must/have to, (he/she/it) must, has to (1st- and 3rd-person singular present of "müssen")a must (capitalized as a noun - das Muss) | verb, noun |
85. | warum | why | adverb |
86. | bei | at, by, near, with, among (+ dative) | preposition |
87. | etwas | some, something, any (pronoun); somewhat, slightly, a little, a bit (adverb); something (capitalized as a noun - Etwas) | indefinite pronoun, adverb, noun |
88. | nichts | nothing | indefinite pronoun |
89. | bitte | please, you're welcome, excuse me, please do, go ahead; request, plea (capitalized as a noun - die Bitte); to ask (inflection of the verb "bitten") | interjection, noun, verb |
90. | wieder | again | adverb |
91. | machen | to make, do, prepare; to produce; to go; to put | verb |
92. | diese | this, these (nominative/accusative feminine and plural of "dieser") | demonstrative pronoun |
93. | vor | before, in front of (preposition); ago; forwards (adverb) | preposition, adverb |
94. | können | to be able to, can; to be allowed to, may; to know how to; ability, skill (capitalized when noun - Können) | verb, auxiliary verb; noun |
95. | hab | to have (1st-person present, colloquial; imperative singular of "haben"; e.g. "ich hab") | verb |
96. | zum | to the (contraction of zu + dem) | preposition |
97. | gehen | to go, walk; to leave; to work; to be in progress, last; to be going; to approach | verb |
98. | sehr | very | adverb |
99. | geht | (he/she/it) goes, is going; (you all) go, are going (3rd-person singular present; 2nd-person plural present; imperative plural of "gehen") | verb |
100. | sehen | to see, look; to take care of; to view, watch, observe; to notice | verb |
Index of most common German words
- Top 50 German words
- Most common German words: 51-100
- Most common German words: 101-150
- Most common German words: 151-200
- Most common German words: 201-300
- Most common German words: 301-400
- Most common German words: 401-500
- Most common German words: 501-600
- Most common German words: 601-700
- Most common German words: 701-800
- Most common German words: 801-900
- Most common German words: 901-1000