1000 Most Common German Words

This page continues the list of most common German words along with their English translation. By now, you should have learned the first 150 most frequent German words. Please, see the index of most common words at the bottom of this page to access other parts of the frequency list.

Most Used German words 101-150

Rank  German word   English translation Part of speech
101. tun to do, make; to put; doings, conduct (capitalized as a noun - das Tun) verb, noun
102. Mann man, male, husband noun
103. euch you, yourselves (plural form; accusative and dative of "ihr") personal pronoun
104. wer who; the person who; somebody, someone interrogative pronoun, relative pronoun, indefinite pronoun
105. wirklich real, true, natural adjective
106. ihm him, to him (dative of "er"); it, to it (dative of "es") personal pronoun
107. einem a, an (masculine and neuter dative) indefinite article
108. werde (I) become (1st-person singular present; 1st- and 3rd-person singular subjunctive I; imperative singular of "werden") verb, auxiliary verb; noun
109. sagen to say, tell verb
110. deine your (nominative/accusative feminine and plural of "dein") possessive pronoun
111. denn for, because, then, than (conjunction); then (adverb) conjunction, adverb
112. danke thank you!, thanks!; inflection of the verb "danken" interjection, verb
113. andere other, different, next indefinite pronoun
114. über above, over, across, beyond, about, on preposition
115. komm come (1st-person singular present; imperative singular of "kommen") verb
116. einer a, an (feminine genitive and dative) indefinite afticle
117. einfach easy, simple, plain; single, one-way; simply, just adjective, adverb
118. soll (I/he/she) should (1st- and 3rd-person singular present of "sollen"); debit, target (capitalized as a noun - die Soll) verb, noun
119. müssen must, have to verb, auxiliary verb
120. nie never adverb
121. gibt (he/she/it) gives, is giving (3rd-person singular present of "geben"); es gibt = there is, there are verb
122. hey hi, hey interjection
123. des the (genitive singular masculine/neuter of "der" and "das") definitive article
124. tut (he/she/it) does, is doing; (you all) do, are doing (3rd-person singular present, 2nd-person plural present, imperative plural of "tun") verb
125. Leben life; to live (verb, not capitalized) noun, verb
126. willst (you) want to (2nd-person singular present of "wollen") verb, auxiliary verb
127. viel much, a lot adjective, indefinite pronoun
128. los loose, not attached, rid of advective
129. Zeit time, age; tense (grammar) noun
130. Ihnen you, to you (dative of Sie) personal pronoun
131. am on, at, on the, at the preposition
132. würde (I/he/she/it) would become (1st- and 3rd-person singular subjunctive II of "werden"); dignity, honor (capitalized as a noun - die Würde) verb, noun
133. hatte to have (1st- and 3rd-person singular preterite of the verb "haben") verb
134. kannst (you) can (2nd-person singular present of "können")  
135. wissen to know; knowledge (capitalized as a noun - das Wissen) verb, noun
136. zurück back, backwards adverb
137. heute today, nowadays adverb
138. damit with it, thereby; so that, in order that adverb, conjunction
139. gesagt said (past participle of "sagen")  
140. Ihr your (politely or formally addressing one person) possessive pronoun
141. macht does, makes; make, do (3rd-and 2nd-person singular present; imperative plural of "machen"); power, might, potency (capitalized as a noun - die Macht) verb, noun
142. weißt (you/"du") know (2nd-person singular present of "wissen") verb
143. kein no, not a, not an indefinite pronoun
144. wollen to want, to wish, to desire (verb); to want to do smth (auxiliary verb); woolen (adjective) verb, auxiliary verb, adjective
145. wurde (I/he/she/it) became (1st- and 3rd-person singular preterite of "werden") verb
146. wollte (I/he/she/it) wanted to, would want to (1st- and 3rd-person singular preterite/subjunctive II of "wollen") verb, auxiliary verb
147. Frau woman, wife; Mrs/Ms noun
148. wäre (I/he/she/it) would be (1st- and 3rd-person singular subjunctive II of "sein") verb
149. Gott God, god, deity noun
150. Leute people, folk noun

Index of most common German words

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